Everyone has different learning needs. We’ve got options for you!

All of our workshops are interactive and prioritize hands on learning. You’ll leave with experience that you can build on right away.

  • More details & register here. A full day, hands on workshop for educators supporting students with complex communication needs. Learn and practice strategies for embedding AAC into play based activities related to language, literacy, math and social communication.

  • More details & register here. Learn about and design engaging shared reading activities for AAC communicators with emergent literacy skills. Reading books together is great start! And, sometimes it’s hard to figure out where to go from there and how to connect shared reading to larger language and literacy goals. Come learn all about it!

  • More details & register here. This workshop is focused on learning about all the ways that AAC communicators (even emergent ones) can engage with text and begin to think of themselves as writers. This group will explore strategies and resources, and develop plans to try with students and share with each other.

  • More detail & register here. Language Modeling (a.k.a. Aided Language Input / Stimulation) is one of the most important and useful tools for supporting AAC communicators. This workshop is open to parents as well as educators.