Shared Reading

Date & Time: 1-3pm on September 19th, October 8th and November 19th

Location: Montpelier, VT (location will be provided following registration)

Price: $150 for the series (attendance for all 3 meetings)

This workshop is appropriate for: Classroom teachers, special educators, paraeducators, BIs, BCBAs, SLPs, and anyone else who is supporting an AAC communicator during shared reading activities or leading literacy groups involving AAC communicators.

The workshop is right for you if:

  • your student is a part time or full time AAC communicators (regardless of how emergent they are)

  • your student is a very emergent reader through early conventional reader

  • you’re reading books with your student but you’re not sure how to connect shared reading to other emergent literacy skills or to other meaningful learning

  • your student is engaged in shared reading but you’re not sure how to further address reading and language comprehension

Description: Our 3 month training series is designed for folks who want to dig into one particular area. Each gathering includes some new learning but the main focus is on group members applying their knowledge by using resources to create plans, goals, etc., everything they’ll need to go try something new. These trainings are also designed with sharing in mind. We’ll create resources together and share with each other. The group will be a max of 8 people.

In the Shared Reading series, group members will be introduced to a variety of tools for supporting students who are both emergent AAC communicators and emergent readers (this includes students who are not engaging in any reading activities yet). Group members will also be introduced to to variety of tools for supporting students who are more established AAC communicators and have emergent or early conventional reading skills. Each month, participants will develop a plan, with a goal and method for data collection to try out with their students. At the next gathering, they’ll share about how things went and use a self-reflection guide to identify next steps.

Learning Outcomes: Participants will

  1. Increase their knowledge of the frameworks and tools available for supporting student engagement in one on one and small group shared reading activities.

  2. Develop, implement and review the effectiveness of at least 2 shared reading activities based on their student’s learning profile and needs.

  3. Identify specific skills that are present in well designed shared reading activities that relate to an AAC communicator’s development of literacy, language and executive function skills, confidently explain these connections to others and use this information to inform goal writing.

  4. Learn to identify and troubleshoot access barriers to student engagement in shared reading activities.

Important Information:

  • Do NOT bring your student’s AAC system or tools. If you have an extra system or tool, you are welcome to bring these. You will be asked about this information when registering. We will provide a variety of AAC systems and tools for those who do not have access to extras.

  • This workshop will include the use of speech generating devices as well as other AAC tools and materials. Your student does not need to be using a high tech AAC system (like an iPad or other speech generating device) for you to attend.

  • CEUs will NOT be provided. However, we will provide certificates of completion to all participants present for the entire day.

  • Cancellation & Refund Policy:

    • Cancellation more than 30 days prior to the event will receive an 80% refund.

    • Cancellation within 30 days of the event will not be refunded. However, the registration can be transferred to another individual from the same organization free of charge.